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Learn from watching real mock interviews, broken down by role, level, and leadership principle

Jul '24 UPDATE - We Have Added Many New Interview Segments

Things just got a lot better. We are continuing to add more and more interviews to the content library to help you better understand how to prepare for interviews and land your dream job.

~60 Hours of Interviews

We are adding new mock interview videos monthly.

350+ Interview Videos

We have real mock interviews covering 14 Leadership Principles, across 11 different roles, for all career stages.

Additional Materials

Each video has extensive written coaching notes and candidate assessment.

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Learn From Our In Depth Notes Per Interview

When you are preparing for your interviews, do you get worried about making sure you have the right content? Do you worry about what questions you might be asked? If you know what the STAR formatĀ is, are you properly using it when you are answering questions?

The InterviewAt Content Library has over 60 hours of content (we are adding to it every month) for you to watch real interviews for various roles and see all of the coaching notes and assessments for each candidate. You will learn where candidates get tripped up in their answers, how to prepare better, and show up as your best self when you interview time arrives.

Sample Interview Videos from Library


Product Manager

Definitely our most popular role type with 69 interview question videos. Here is a sample from the course of a candidate for a Vice President role and the question maps to Hire and Develop the Best.


Assessment of Candidate

(Assessment provided as an example of what is included in each and every interview segment in the Content Library to help you understand how a senior executive would evaluate the answer)

There are two parts to this principle. The interview did not spend any time on the candidate's ability to hire/attract great talent. That would be an area for exploration for another interviewer or if we had more time. With regard to Develop the Best, it's clear that the candidate is extremely thoughtful in the progression of employees with a clear set of requirements for what is required for moving forward. The need to arbitrate dissent when one person gets promoted over another is made much easier when there is a clearly communicated and logically consistent framework for the expectations of those who are moving upward with higher velocity than others. The quick discussion about having both zoom in and zoom out discussions with his leaders further demonstrates an understanding that developing the best talent is not only about 1:1 meetings (that's part of it), but also setting the employee up for future success by showing them how to pull back from the tactical and focus on the strategic in a way that is bringing along the future leaders so that they are growing and inside of a framework that has been clearly communicated.

Engineering Leader

There are 12 interview segments for leaders and individual contributors in the engineering discipline. As much as the candidates for engineering roles just want to focus on the technical questions, behavioral questions are just as important to demonstrate how you think and work with others. This sample covers a Think Big question.


Assessment of Candidate

It is possible that the candidate simply failed to match the leadership principle in this case, but the answer revealed concern about their ability to Think Big. There was no clarity provided regarding what would have made this specific project risky for the employee rather than being a potential showcase for the employee. The answer as provided lent credibility to the Hire and Develop the Best assessment but failed to paint a picture for Think Big as a manager.

Product Manager

"I'd recommend it to anyone who is looking to understand the process of answering interviews along with being pushed to answer the hard questions unlike in a mock interview. This one felt much more realistic and I think that was beneficial."


Product Manager

I got the Sr PM position with [Amazon]. I'm incredibly grateful to you for guiding me through this process. Of all the mocks I did, the one with you was the most intense and real. In fact the actual interviews were less intense. I've been recommending my friends to schedule an interview with InterviewAt.


Program Manager

"Just wanted to let you know that I landed the job. After a short negotiation, they improved the offer by 30% on all three main components. Thanks, again for everything, The sessions were amazing and the feedback was priceless."


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Business Development Manager

We have 16 interview videos for business development managers. This tends to be one of the rarer roles for which to find content online. It's incredibly valuable to see and learn from the good interviews how these team members work effectively across so many teams and stakeholders. In this sample we cover a Dive Deep question.


We also have many marketing candidates who have come through InterviewAt, and in this case the candidate was asked one of our favorite questions which happens to be of the Leadership Principle Learn and Be Curious.


Program Manager

Another very popular role which candidates seek is Program Management. In the library we currently have 18 interview videos. The Leadership Principle is Insist on High Standards, of which we have 17 total.

Content Library

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